Wednesday, January 12, 2011


It's 7 a.m and I can't sleep..
I was awake all night, I'm quite tired and sleepy, but don't want to go to bed yet..
I didn't feel good past several days... I discovered something, that is(was) really painful for me..But it doesn't matter anymore..
I've understood really important things for me..
You can't make someone love you... I was egoist.. I didn't think about him, cause he was suffering too, you could see everything in his sad eyes, every time he looked at me...
If you want someone to make happy just set them free...
Every wrong step teaches us something..
I've been through bad times.. 
It doesn't happen sometimes as we want ... 
Life is our exam.. If you pass it you will be rewarded.. If you don't you will have another chance...
Everybody deserves second chance...
Life goes on, I have my own mission and aim... My own way... 
I will try to reach the top of a mountain..
I'm really happy now.. My friends love me.. My family loves me.. And I think that's the most important..


  1. ოჰოო, როგორ მომწონს ასეთი პოზიტივი შენ არ იცი, ყოჩაღ, მშვენიერ დასკვნებამდე მისულხარ საყვარელო, მეც მიყვარხაარ :*

  2. xo amistvis 1 weli damchirda... da amas winat simartle gavige.. kitxva ratom aghar amwuxebs.. grdznobac kargi xania gamiqra.. da bednieri var :* meeeec qeet mec mikavrxar :*
