Friday, March 11, 2011

I'm feeling good...

It's been a long time, since I last wrote my post...
I'm feeling quite exciting recently, I don't know why... I've never had that feeling, without any reasons... But as if something happens to me.. Something good... My days are different from each other and it makes me happy... No...Nothing is new in my life... Like new door opened for me and I don't know what's inside yet...
Everything seems beautiful to me... It's funny, isn't it? You'd say that I'm in love, but I'm not... I don't know myself why I'm so happy... It's strange, when you don't have an excuse...
Like I'm waiting for something or someone...
I always have a fear when everything's good, that nothing will happen like I want to.. But not this time... OOOh I don't know what is happening to me...
I'm so happy.........

Have you ever felt like I do now? 
I just want to go out and walk in the sunshine... 
I smile every time... 
 I'd like to meet someone.. Someone who I saw accidentally on the bus.. I can't forget his eyes.. We smiled each other... Oh my god, I can't believe that I'm saying this... That day was just amazing...  
I just hope that I'll meet him someday.. I have a crush on somebody, I don't even know... 
Life has so many surprises, who knows... 

1 comment:

  1. მიხარია!! ძალიან რო ესე ხარ,
    მე ძირითადად ეგრე ვარ ხოლმე, არ ვიცი რის გამო მიხარია, უბრალოდ მიხარია და მშვენიერი შეგრძნებაა!
